What’s new in Control Panel firmware: - Upon opening and later once every hour while running, the Control Panel now connects to the internet to check if there is a newer Control Unit firmware version available. If it is determined that there is a newer version, the user is notified with a system tray balloon tip. What�s new in Control Panel firmware: - Pressing "Cancel" when choosing log file directory now leaves the previously chosen setting instead of setting the log file directory to default; - Fixed bug where loading configuration from a file did not work while in access level 1; - Implemented communication with Emus BMS Control Unit through Emus BMS Bluetooth Smart Module using BLED112 dongle; - Added a separate "External components" page for easier acces to all Emus BMS Display Unit and Emus BMS Bluetooth Smart Module related operations; - New splash screen; - Some small fixes to improve performance. What�s new in Control Panel firmware: - Fixed bug where �Min PWM Output� and �Max PWM Output� parameters were not shown when using Control Unit firmware with support for analog signal controlled chargers; What�s new in Control Panel firmware: - Increased the maximum value of Capacity parameter to 6553.5Ah. What�s new in Control Panel firmware: - Added configuration parameter widgets, statistic, and events related to the "Pack Under-Voltage" protection that was introduced in Control Unit firmware version What�s new in Control Panel firmware: - Updated Display Unit configuration dialog; - �Export Statistics� and �Import Statistics� actions are now disabled if not logged in; - Merged �Cells� and �Charger� tabs of Configuration page into a single �Charging tab�. Maximum Allowed Voltage, Balancing Range and Minimal Allowed Voltage widgets are hidden if Control Unit firmware version is greater than or equal to since they are either populated elsewhere or the corresponding configuration parameter is no longer used; - Redrawn the charge curve image in order for it to reflect the actual parameter meaning more clearly, used less annoying color palette. This modification is versioned, so if the firmware version of the connected Control Unit is older, the charge curve image and surrounding widgets are displayed in the way that is relevant to that version; - Made �Charger Type� parameter widget hidden if Control Unit version is equal to or greater than and updated all related code accordingly, since this parameter is no longer used; - Added �Broadcast TM4 NEURO Messages� checkbox to the General tab of the Configuration page, since this is a separate function from Control Unit firmware version; - �Charger Connected� checkbox is now displayed in case Control Unit with firmware version or higher is connected; - The looks of the Control Panel application window is now less dependent on the widget style of the operating system; - The interface for logging in/out and setting/clearing password has been updated to support the second password functionality that was introduced in Control Unit firmware version The white background of the Update page icons has been removed for better looks, since this page is now disabled when logged out; - The widget of �Pulses Per Distance Unit� has been updated to support four byte long parameter instead of two byte long parameter, taking into account the change introduced in Control Unit firmware version; - Added �Number of Connected Chargers� status to the Charging Process groupbox in the General tab of the Status page taking into account the change introduced in Control Unit firmware version; What�s new in 2.2.3_RC11 Control Panel firmware: - Manually exported statistics are now saved in a different directory than when they are saved automatically before firmware update, meaning that they are not lost after firmware update; - �Export Statistics� and �Import Statistics� actions are now disabled during charging, firmware update, when the panel is not connected to a Control Unit, or when it is connected to a Control Unit in bootloader mode; - Fixed bug where some statistics were sometimes cleared after importing them; - The tooltip of �No Current Sensor� protection checkbox widget is now correct; What's new in 2.2.3_RC10 Control Panel firmware - All label widgets in Update page that contained word "software" have been renamed to instead contain word "firmware" to avoid confusion. - The menu actions in the menus located in the menu bar at the top left corner of the panel window now correctly display tooltips; - Implemented procedures for copying statistics and some non-voltatile statuses into the hard drive, and for sending them back to the Control Unit. They are performed automatically when updating Control Unit firmware, but can also be performed manually using the "Export Statistics" and "Import statistics" actions that have been added to the "Options" menu, if transfering the statistics and non-volatile statuses from one Control Unit to another is desired. It is important to note that the statistics and non-volatile statuses will be imported into the Control Unit correctly only if the Control Unit is running firmware of version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher; - Added "Heater Relay Activation Count" statistic. It is displayed only when the firmware version of the connected Control Unit is 2.0.20_RC1 or higher; - From now on, when panel is connected to Control Unit with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher and the resolution of one (or more) of the secure statistics have been lowered because it has overflowed its standard value range, that statistic is displayed in kAh, kWh, or h with two digits behind the decimal point instead of Ah, Wh or s; - If the panel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher, "Last Trip Average Consumption" and "Estimated Distance Left Based On Last Trip" are also displayed in Status page, General tab, next to the "Momentary Consumption" and orginal "Estimated Distance Left"; - If the panel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher, "Average discharge" and "Max discharge" are displayed in Status page, Energy tab; - For Control Units with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher, the "DC/DC Control Voltage Threshold" widget in the "DC/DC Converter Control" groupbox is replaced with "Active State Threshold" and "Passive State Threshold" widgets to reflect the improvements in the DC/DC control algorithm introduced in this version; - Revised the placement of the widgets in the "Protection" ar "Reduction" groupboxes in the "Battery Pack" tab and decreased the spacing between them to reduce the overall size of the panel window; - Added widgets related to "No Current Sensor" protection to the "Battery Pack" tab. They apprear when pannel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware version in which these parameter are present (2.0.20_RC1 or higher). Corresponding changes were also made in the events, and statistics; - Added "Restore duration" label and line edit widgets next to the "Cell Comm Restore" widgets in the "Battery Pack" tab. It appears when panel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher and represents the new parameter that has been added in this version; - Log file is now correctly created and written if the log file directory contains non-latin characters; - "Charger connected" and "Charger disconnected" events now display "Discharge energy" and "Charge energy" (accordingly) as their additional parameters if panel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware version 2.0.20_RC1 or higher; - It is no longer possible to update Control Unit firmware when charger is connected; - Implemented interface for configuring and updating firmware of the Emus BMS Display Unit. It can be accessed through the "Device" action under the newly added "External Devices" menu in the menu bar; - Value validation now works correctly for all line edit widgets in the Configuration page, and accepts both "." and "," as a decimal separator wherever applicable; - Other minor visual improvements; What's new in 2.2.3_RC8 Control Panel firmware - Fixed the bug where in order to run, the Control Panel application required libusb0.dll library, which is a part of the Emus BMS Display Unit USB driver. From now on, this library is only required when opening the "Display Unit" dialog window, which can be access through the "External Devices" menu. What's new in 2.2.3_RC4 Control Panel firmware - Fixed bug where no individual cell information was shown in the Cells tab if more that 255 cells were used; - "Number of Chargers" parameter no longer shown when Control Panel is connected to a Control Unit with firmware for Zivan RE chargers, since the number of chargers in this firmware is determined dynamically; - Fixed bug where bars for external cell temperatures were shown in the Cells tab even if no cell modules with external temperatures were present in the battery pack; - Fixed bug where the tooltips would sometimes get stuck and would not hide, staying on the screen until the Control Panel application is closed. What's new in 2.2.3_RC3 Control Panel software: - Pressing Esc button no longer kills the Control Panel application without any warning; - Current Sensor Type parameter is now correctly written when saving configuration into a file; - "Calibrate External Temperature ..." button is now hidden if Control Panel is connected to a Control Unit that runs firmware that does not support cell modules with external temperature sensors; - Included support for cell modules with external temperature sensors for measuring cell temperature (with proper versioning, meaning that if the Control Panel is connected to a Control Unit with older firmware version, everything will be displayed as it was): * Everything related to cell module temperatures has been renamed to exclicitly state it in its name (statistics, events, labels, parameters names, etc.); * Added "Calibrate External Temperature ..." button that activates external temperature sensor calibration dialog; * Added widgets for Cell Over-Heat protection and High Cell Temperature reduction parameters; * Added entries for cell temperature related statistics: Cell overheat protection count, High cell temperature power reduction count, min cell temperature, max cell temperature, max cell temperature difference; * Added entries for cell temperature related events: "Cell temperature critically high", "Critically high cell temperature recovered", "Warning: High cell temperature - reducing power", "Power reduction due to high cell temperature recovered"; - Fixed bug where tabs would sometimes dock back into the main window in incrorrect order if several of them were undocked from the same window; - Fixed bug that caused very long Control Panel application loading time; - "Use Serial Cell Communication" checkbox removed and replaced with a separate "Cell Communication Parameters" groupbox in the General tab of Configuration page, that contains "Serial" and "CAN" radiobuttons.